Friday, September 18, 2015

Do's N Don'ts for Soft N Silky Skin

Dry and flaky skin is most common problem in winter time for any skin types. Cold air does more damage than we think, it literally sucks the life out of silky and hydrated skin. Few other factors like food habits, smoking and alcohol contribute for skin damage.

We do know stores out there are filled with many lotions and moisturizers to combat this dry skin. Most of them may not suit you best or they have a price tag that you want to re-think on. Hence, natural remedies, these are not only affordable, but also more efficient than any chemical based products out in the market.

Let’s see what are some of the rules to maintain silky and smooth skin?

  •  I understand you loving your hot showers for longer time during winters, but did you know that these hot showers are a big No No for skin? They wipe away protective oils from your skin leaving you dead and dry skinned person. 
  • Never scratch your skin with your long and beautiful nails. It does longer term damage to your skin than you expect.
  • Give yourself a holiday from smoking, sun tanning and sun bathing for a while.
  • Have your hands off your face! Your hands touch a lot of surfaces which are a magnet of dirt and germs. Do you want them on your skin?
  • Never rub your eyes, apply compresses instead. The skin on your face is extremely delicate, especially under your eyes. So use very light touch on your face every time.

  •  Always treat you neck and chest as a part of your face. Your upper chest and neck area are covered by very sensitive skin just like your face. Hence, they tend to be one of the primer spot for spots and sun burns and sings of aging such as dryness and wrinkles start to appear soon in these areas.
  • Aloe vera gel is the best cure for extra dry spots on your skin. The acids present in aloe vera eat away the dead cells and speed up the healing process.
  • Use a loofah daily to keep a check to ingrown and dead cells on your skin.
  • Always keep checking the dryness of your skin by scratching a small line on your leg. If it leaves a white mark then your skin is extremely dry and you need a moisturizer as well as exfoliation
  • Nourish your body always. Keep your body hydrated from inside by drinking lots of fluids. Avoid salty snacks during your place, instead opt for some fresh fruit.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Freedom from Acne - Clear Skin from your pantry & Refrigerator!

Acne is a common skin problem that affects all ages. This is more often seen in teenagers due to their increased hormone levels in their body. Apart from hormonal changes, sleep deprivation, wrong usage of products, unhealthy eating habits, hectic lifestyles also cause breakouts on your skin.

Remember there no definitive cure for this for all skin types. However, home remedies, botanical and organic products are always best to try. We never know which one suits best and when it comes to skin be sure you try out the right ones that have zero reactions. 

Let me tell you some proven home remedies that can help you prevent or reduce the problem, which are definitely available in your pantry or your refrigerator.

1. Toothpaste 

This is one of the easiest home remedy for acne. The regular toothpaste that we use to clean our teeth can be used to reduce acne.

Directions: Apply a small amount of white tooth paste (Note: I am talking about white ones, not the gel toothpastes) on the affected area and leave it over night. This will help reduce the swelling and gets the acne dried. You should see the difference in a day or two.

2. Lemons
This is well known fact that Lemons are high in acidic property and hence these are very useful to treat acne. Lemon juice will help clean out the dirt from the pores and will harden the sebum.

Directions: Rub a slice of lemon on the affected area and leave it for sometime. You can also try mixing lemon juice with rose water and applying on the affected area. (Note: If you feel it is over drying your skin, use it 2-3 times a week instead of daily)

3. Honey & Cinnamon
Yes, you read it right. We do wonder sticky and spicy cinnamon on face? True, they make a killer combo when it comes to acne reduction. Cinnamon has antimicrobial properties that will help those acne bacteria out.

Directions: Mix two tbsp of honey and one tbsp of cinnamon until they blend and form a thick paste. Apply this mask on your face or just on the spots and leave it for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off completely and pat dry. (Note: This is a sticky mixture so make sure you have enough paper towels handy)

4. Tea Tree Oil
This is yet another popular remedy for acne treatment. This acts as an antiseptic and disinfects the pores. It also kills the bacteria that caused the acne at first place.

Directions: Just apply a drop of Tea Tree Oil on the affected area three times a day. (Note: highly concentrated ones may cause irritation to few skin types, if so, take 5% concentrated one and repeat the process)

5. Orange peel paste
Thanks to vitamin C, astringent properties and citric acid present in oranges. Vitamin C promotes the growth of new healthy cells keeping the skin in better condition

Directions: Grind two orange peels and make a paste by adding little water to it. Apply this on face or just on the spots and leave it for 20 minutes. Ideally it should become dry and then wash your face with water, pat it dry.

6. Oatmeal
This is very beneficial to skin because it cleanses your skin and also absorbs excess oil present on the face. Hence this best suits for oily skins. 

Directions: Mix 1tbsp of honey, lemon juice from half sliced lemon and a cup of cooked oatmeal. Rub this mixture on your face and leave it for 30minutes. Wash it with lukewarm water and pat dry. Do this twice a week for best results.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Top Skincare Oils for Naturally Glowing Skin - Read on to find out which one you should try

Oil: Perfect skincare ingredient

Have you ever wondered how we end up looking for Oil-Free tag line in all the beauty care products that we purchase? Little we know that they are must haves for any skin related products. We end up assuming we have enough oil on our face, T-zone etc., 

Did you know that our diligent avoidance of oil actually impairs our skins ability to heal. The right combinations of oils which are targeted for various skincare needs provides powerful properties to balance oil production, decrease the signs of aging, and refine the texture of skin. When blended according to skin type, natural oils do not cause oily skin or clog pores. Only when we use synthetic oils (like mineral oil) or some heavy oils do we run into these problems. 

Let me tell you what magic does each natural oil does to your skin.

1.      Olive Oil:
I bet this should be first in the list. No wonder Homer once described this oil as 'Liquid Gold', a term that still resonates with many. In addition to cleansing properties of oilve oil, it also protects and moisturizes for smooth and soft skin. This oil contains antioxidants that can go a long way towards health and beauty, including improvsing on skin tones, helping scars fade away and balancing oil in your skin, thus ensuring in turing what we call oily skin into "normal".

2.     Coconut Oil:
It's no wonder that coconut oil was one of the first beauty oils to hit the mainstream and had (and is still having) such a major moment. It is rich in three fatty acids — capric, caprylic, and lauric — that have antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. They not only make the skin instantly smooth and soft, but also prevent it from losing moisture. This oil works at its best when you leave it over night on you. Apply proper amounts of coconut oil before going to sleep and wash it off in the morning. Remeber pure coconut oil isnt greesy.

3.     Almond oil:
Almond oil can do wonders to your hair,skin and overal health. This nut is very rich in antioxidant, high in vitamin E, protein and fat content along with having many other essential nutrients. The daily usage of this wonderful home ingredient can treat many ailments and treats various beauty and hair issues. As it is rich in vitamin A, B and E, which are great for skin health. In fact, most skin care products have these vitamins loaded in them. The oil helps maintaining moisture levels of the skin and gets absorbed in a jiffy without blocking the pores.

4.     Jojoba Oil:
Jojoba is cosidered oil as it looks and feels like an oil, but if you technically speak it is just a liquid wax ester made from pressed jojobaseeds. Since its composition is the closest thing in nature to our own sebum, it creates a quickly absorbing, lightweight moisturizer for all skin types and can penetrate deeply into the skin. If you struggle with oily skin, a jojoba blend is the way to go because it will dissolve excess sebum and allow the pores to breath.

5.     Moringa Oil:
It is a newcomer to America, it was used by ancient Hindus and Egyptians as early as 2000 B.C. Moringa oil contains an extraordinarily high content of antioxidants, which protect the skin from sun damage and aging. Both the fatty acid profile and antioxidant content can diminish the appearance of wrinkles, lighten skin tone, and deeply moisturize the skin.

6.     Argan Oil:
This oil is extracted from the kernels of the Moroccan argan tree, and is chock-full of fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamin E, which give it serious moisturizing and restorative powers. It's great for more than just skin, but hair and nails, too. “It’s also ultra-absorbent, and doesn’t leave the greasy residue of some of its heavier counterparts.” The vitamin E is the “power ingredient” in argan oil, and is great for helping heal scars, eczema, and dry scalp.

7.     Grape Seed Oil:
The power of the grape plant goes way beyond its fruit and wine-producing abilities. The oil derived from its seeds is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, and is especially effective in the fight against acne. Applying oil on the skin actually helps to minimize your own oil production. And, the grape-seed variety is one of the best options. It’s an excellent anti-inflammatory to soothe skin that’s already breaking out, it limits excess oil production to prevent acne from forming.

8.    Pomegranate Oil:
Cold-pressed pomegranate oil is one of the more expensive varieties of carrier oils — and with good reason. The particularly lightweight oil is great for all skin types, absorbent, and has vitamins A, D, E, and K. It’s rich in punicic acid, which promotes the production of collagen fibers and slows down the processes that break it down. Not only does this help prevent wrinkles, it also encourages the healing of acne, wounds, and scars.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Good Bye to signs of Aging! (#5 Must Read)

We all heard about those Anti-aging creams that we see in every walk of life at any store. Will they really help? Of course they do, not all but some! Before using them lets start our home work onto knowing what exactly are wrinkles and hence you will know what could prevent them or delay them from hitting you.

Skin owes much of its firmness a fibrous protein called collagen. A second type of protein, elastin, supplies its spring. Oil-secreting glands make it soft and supple, and an underlying layer of fat adds contour. As the body ages, the cells that produce all of these substances become lesser in number and less vigorous. That's a sign of ageing from inside. Lacking protein, the skin weakens and loses tone. Secondly, these are also linked to genes.

How do you think you can prevent them?

There are actions that you can take to prevent/delay the apperance of aging signs like fine lines and wrinkles on your face. 

Wrinkle fighting hacks

1. Food that helps you fight wrinkles

Did you know there are a list of foods that can fight against your wrinkles and make you look younger for a longtime? All the foods that are rich in elements like antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, trace minerals like selenium and copper, high-quality protein, plant compounds such as isoflavones, retinol- one of the forms of vitamin A, iron, vitamin E and C, mono-unsaturated fat etc., are best fighters.

Some of the foods to ease your search are Eggs, Liver, Brazil Nuts, Shellfish, dark colored fruits and vegetables, lentils, almmonds & walnuts, fruits like pappaya, watermelon, pineapple, berries and vegetables like giner garlic, cucumber, tomato. Add them to your diet everyday starting today.

2. Oils

Olive oil was first used over 5000 years ago when it was extracted from olive tree, which was quickly adapted as cosmetic product by Egyptians. It is widely used as a moisturizer beacuse it is rich in antioxidants Vit A and Vit E, that helps to fight that skin damanging free radicals that are primary causes of early aging. Hence, take a table spoon of olive oil and massage into the skin twice a day.

Coconut oil is also rich in antioxidants and can prevent formation of free radicals. This oil also helps reduce wrinkles that have already developed. Massage coconut oil into your skin before you sleep to reduce the appearance of fine lines.

3.  Banana Mask

This powerfully healthy fruit isn’t just good for eating, but can also be used as a creamy face mask. Mash one banana up with a teaspoon of orange juice and a teaspoon of plain yogurt, then leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes. The vitamin A will help fade dark spots and blemishes, while vitamin B will prevent aging, and potassium will moisturize and hydrate skin cells. Vitamin E is known as “the protector” because of its strength in fighting free radical damage and bolstering the skin’s resistance to UV damage.

4. Aloe Vera

The clear gel inside an aloe vera plant has wound-healing and soothing effects when applied to the skin, especially after sunbathing thanks to the vitamins and minerals it contains. Having an aloe vera plant inside your home or growing in your garden is convenient and less expensive than buying the gel by itself because the leaves regrow after they’re cut or removed from the base. Sunburns are one of the quickest ways to damage and wrinkle skin, so applying gel can ease the healing process with its anti-inflammatory properties.

5. Use Cosmetics with Care

We use cosmetics and other beauty products to enhance our skin quality but often end up in damaging it a little more. Be aware of such cosmetics that can harm your skin and lead to form wrinkles on them.

·      Avoid products having alcohol in them. Alcohol dries up your skin by dehydrating it. A skin lacking moistures tends to form wrinkles fast. Instead, use water based solutions and products or those that have natural oils in them such as avocado or evening primrose oil. 
·      Avoid using concealer to hide wrinkles. Believe it or not, they make your wrinkles more prominent by settling themselves in the spaces in between the fine lines.

Never over wash your face. The dermatologists at the University of Maryland Medical Center have hold that tap water can strip skin of its natural oils and moisture that protect your skin against wrinkles. Also you should not use harsh soaps while washing your face. Always use one that has moisturizer in it. You can always use natural cleansers like milk to clean your face instead of washing it often.

6.  Don't Stress

Easier said than done! But then, getting rid of wrinkles too is not an easy task. You need to get rid of your stress because it makes your skin thin and weak which cannot fight with the elements that produce wrinkles. Also when you frown or scowl, they only help to make your temporary facial lines permanent. Do whatever will de-stress you. Here are some tips - swim, meditate, yoga, listen to music, read books, spend time with children.

You alone can find a solution to de-stress yourself!

Friday, August 21, 2015

A complete guide for Healthy Joints

Did you know a
bout 21 million adults have osteoarthritis -- the wear-and-tear condition that causes achy joints and may eventually lead to can't-get-up-from-the-sofa pain.

Depending on risk factors, joint pain can affect anyone, though osteoarthritis mostly starts as our bodies begin to show the effects of aging. In women, it occurs more frequently after age 50; in men, it's more likely before age 45. The sites of joint pain are different. Women are more likely to develop osteoarthritis in their hands, knees, ankles, or feet, while men are more likely to develop it in their wrists, hips, or spine.

Let us first see why it occurs. The follwoing are some of the main reasons for Osteoarthritis
  • Previous Injuries
  • Aging
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Inflammation
  • Excess weight
Here are the basics of how to keep joints moving smoothly

1. Eat Healthy Food

Studies show the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish can help not only reduce symptoms associated with joint pain but also change the levels of inflammation that may be causing some of the pain. Fish oil slows the production of inflammation-signaling cells. The best sources are fish such as salmon and tuna. 

Calcium and Vitamin D helps keep bones strong. Dairy products are the best sources of calcium, but ther options are green, leafy vegetables like barcoli and kale,

2. Maintain Healthy Weight

Keeping your weight within a healthy range is the best thing you can do for your joints. Weight-bearing joints, such as your knees, hips, and back, have to support some, if not all, of your body weight. That's why so many overweight people have problems with these areas of the body.
Losing weight reduces pressure on your knees, hips, and back and helps prevent joint injury. In fact, a weight loss of as little as 11 pounds can reduce arthritis pain by 50 percent for many women. Research has shown that with every pound gained, a person puts four times more stress on the knees. 

3. Exercise for Healthy Joints
Exercise can help you lose extra pounds and maintain a healthy weight. Some research suggests that aerobic exercise -- activities that get yourheart rate up -- can reduce joint swelling. Experts suggest that varying your exercise will show best results in having healthy joints. Low- or no-impact aerobic exercises (swimming, walking, or cycling) twice a week, strength exercises (lifting light weights or household items) twice a week, mixed with stretching and relaxation exercises. You don't want to overtax any one area, because that'll increase pain, and then you might avoid exercise altogether. 

4. Add ice
Icing your joints after exercise can help you manage pain and prevent swelling. When you exercise, you draw a lubricant called synovial fluid to your joints. But if the fluid sticks around too long after exercise, it can cause cracks in the cartilage. Ice gets the fluid out of the joint and into the lymphatic system, the garbage disposal of the body.

5. Good Posture
A good posture protects your joints all the way from neck to down your knees. Best way to improve posture is by walking. Stand and sit up straight during your work. Swimming can also improve posture. Do consider your joints before lifting and carrying.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Better Hair at Home

Hair loss is a common problem in todays world. As hair is regarded as an asset that enhances one’s physical appearance, balding or thinning hair is a problem that many want to correct as soon as possible. No body wants dead and thin hair.
Some of the common factors contributing to thinning hair are excessive physical or emotional stress, hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, pollution, allergies, use of wrong hair care products, poor hair care routine, and heredity.

Better Hair at Home is possible with the following:
1. Healthy Hair - Egg Mask
Egg contains high levels of proteins which help in the formation of new hair. It is also rich in sulphur, zinc, iron, selenium, phosphorous and iodine. The high protein content makes eggs one of the best ingredients that promote hair growth.

How to use:

·         Take the white of one egg
·         Add 1 teaspoon of olive oil and honey to it
·         Mix it all well to form a smooth paste
·         Apply it all over your hair carefully and leave it for 20 minutes
·         Rinse with cool water and shampoo it off

2. Get rid of Split Ends - Banana Mask

Bananas are excellent ingredient for treating extremely dry and damaged hair. The high potassium and moisture content in bananas prevents split ends, and softens and improves the elasticity of your hair.

How to use:
  • Mash one ripe or overripe banana and spread it thoroughly on your hair, from the roots to the ends. Leave it on for up to an hour and then rinse your hair with lukewarm water. Do this once a week for effective results.
  •  Alternatively, mix one ripe or overripe banana, one tablespoon of almond oil and two tablespoons of honey. Apply this hair mask on your hair thoroughly. Leave it on for 20 to 30 minutes and then rinse well with lukewarm water. Follow this remedy once week to enjoy smooth and shiny hair.
3. Hair Growth - Fenugreek

Fenugreek has been used to treat hair fall since ages in many parts of the world. Even you can use this spice for growing hair.

How to use:

·         Soak the fenugreek seeds in the water for 24 hours.
·        Strain and use the water to rinse hair.
·       Do not immediately was hair with normal water. Let this water be there for at least 3 hours
·        After 3 hours, wash your hair with lukewarm water (never use hot water on your hair)
·        Repeat this daily for at a month to see your hair gaining strength and volume

4. Strong & Healthy Hair - Avacado

The saturated fats, vitamins A and E, protein and various other minerals in avocado are highly beneficial for dry and damaged hair. Avocado also helps add moisture to dry hair shafts and strengthen your hair.

How to Use:
  •  Mash one ripe, peeled avocado
  • Mix in one teaspoon each of wheat-germ oil and jojoba oil to make a smooth paste.
  • Apply the mixture on freshly washed hair, from the roots to the ends. 
  • Cover your hair with a shower cap. 
  • Leave it on for half an hour and then shampoo your hair with lukewarm water. 
  • Follow this remedy once or twice a week.

  • Mash a ripe, peeled avocado and add two tablespoons of olive oil to it. Mix well until the consistency is thick and smooth. Shampoo and rinse your hair. Apply the mixture to your hair and leave it on for 30 minutes. Finally, rinse your hair. Do this once a week.
 5. Good Bye Hair Fall - Olive Oil

Olive oil helps in preventing as well as curing hair loss. It stimulates the formation of new hair. Regular use of olive oil prevents the formation of DTH hormone and thus facilitates hair growth. Rich in antioxidants, it is beneficial for overall hair health. Olive oil also acts as a natural conditioner by making your hair soft and silky.

How to use:

·         Include olive oil in your daily diet
·         Use it as a pre-shampoo treatment.
·         You can also mix it with lavender, sage and rosemary oil for hot oil treatment.

Friday, August 14, 2015

6 Secrets for a Glowing Skin

Every woman wants Crystal Clear, picture perfect & flawless skin. Clear and beautiful skin is one of the main elements of a person’s beauty.
Your skin care regimen and lifestyle habits are the primary predictors of your skin’s health. Some of the leading factors that take a toss on the quality and texture of your skin are stresslack of sleep,poor nutritionpollutiondamage from the UV raysexcessive smoking & alcohol.
There are millions of skin and beauty care products that promise to give you clear and glowing skin. Instead of relying on these products, you can also try some simple and easy home remedies to improve the overall health and appearance of your skin.

Here are the 6 secrets for a Glowing Skin

1. Turmeric
Make a paste by mixing equal amounts of turmeric powder and gram flour with a little water or milk. Apply it evenly on your skin and leave it on until it dries. Wash it off with lukewarm water, scrubbing your skin gently in a circular motion. Follow this remedy once a week to lighten your skin tone and remove scars.
2. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera moisturizes the skin and stimulates new skin cell growth
·          Extract the gel from an aloe vera leaf.

·          Apply the gel on your face using a cotton ball.

·          Allow it to dry on its own for about half an hour, and then rinse it off with lukewarm water·       

3. Honey
Apply raw honey directly on your skin. Let it dry naturally and then rinse it off with lukewarm water. The water content in honey will deeply moisturize the skin, making it soft and supple. Do this simple remedy once daily or every other day.

4. Lemon
Lemon is one of the best ingredients that you can use to promote clear skin. The citric acid present in lemon helps keep the skin clear by removing dead cells, and its vitamin C content helps reduce dark spots by increasing the cell renewal process.

Apply fresh-squeezed lemon juice to your entire face and neck. Leave it on for 10 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water. After this, rub cucumber slices on your skin to soften and moisturize it. Do this daily or every other day.

5. Cucumber
Cucumbers contain hydrating, nourishing and astringent properties that are very good for skin. They can improve the overall appearance of your skin by repairing damaged skin cells, removing dead skin cells and adding a fresh glow.

Cut a fresh cucumber into thick slices, and rub them thoroughly all over your face. Leave it on overnight and rinse with warm water in the morning. Do this daily before going to bed.

6. Papaya
Papaya can be used to improve your skin’s texture and maintain clear skin. It has natural bleaching properties that help reduce the appearance of scars. Plus, the enzyme papain present in papaya has antibacterial and wound healing abilities and also aids in removing dead, damaged skin.

  •    Chop a ripe papaya into small pieces.
  •   Combine the papaya with one teaspoon each of sandalwood powder and honey &     grind these into a paste
  •   Apply the paste all over your face and neck.
  •   Leave it on for half an hour. Then rinse it off with cool water and pat dry your skin.
  •   Finally apply some rose water on your face.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Did you know this about Fish?

 Fish is a low-fat high quality protein. Fish is filled with omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins such as D and B2 (riboflavin). Fish is rich in calcium and phosphorus and a great source of minerals, such as iron, zinc, iodine, magnesium, and potassium.

There is great public confusion over the risks of eating seafood. “Unfortunately, the media and others may have contributed to this confusion by greatly exaggerating the unsubstantiated claim of a health risk from fish. These results from over two decades of research clearly show there is a health risk if adults don’t eat fish,” said Rimm.

Research has shown that eating fish and shellfish regularly is beneficial to our bodies in many ways; Here are some great reasons to introduce a little more seafood into your diet.

1. Great for Heart
It's no coincidence that fish-eating Inuit populations in the Arctic have low levels of heart disease; seafood is low in saturated fat and high in omega-3, (which can both) protect the heart from disease and lower the amount of cholesterol in the blood. One study has even suggested that an extra portion of fish every week can cut risk of heart disease in half.

2. Improve Skin & Hair
One of the biggest drawbacks to a low-fat diet is you often deprive your skin and hair of the healthy fat it needs, leaving it dull and dry. The omega-3s in fish are exactly the type of healthy fat to eat to keep your skin looking nourished and your hair shiny. Research has also linked fish and omega-3 consumption to treatment of skin conditions such as psoriasis.

3. Essential Nutrients
Seafood provides the body with many essential nutrients which keep us running smoothly, including iodine, selenium, zinc and potassium. Iodine is important for the thyroid gland, and selenium makes enzymes which can help to protect us from cancer. Fish and shellfish are also excellent sources of many vitamins, including vitamins A and D.

4. Brain Development
The EFA omega-3 found in salmon and other nutrient-rich fish are essential nutrients for children because they contribute to brain development. Some studies have even found that omega-3 consumption can help soothe symptoms of ADHD. Experts recommend, however, that parents ask their pediatrician before introducing supplements to a child’s diet.

5. Stronger Sperm
 A recent study of 188 men found that those who ate more fresh fish — along with other healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains — had stronger swimmers than those who ate unhealthy diets. Researchers say that more study needs to be done, but preliminary data shows that the better the participant’s diet, the stronger the shape and mobility of the sperm he produced.

6. Joint Benefits
Eating fish as a regular part of a balanced diet has been shown to ease the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, a condition which causes the joins to swell up. Recent research has also found a link between omega-3 fats and osteoarthritis, suggesting that eating more seafood could help to prevent the disease.