Friday, September 18, 2015

Do's N Don'ts for Soft N Silky Skin

Dry and flaky skin is most common problem in winter time for any skin types. Cold air does more damage than we think, it literally sucks the life out of silky and hydrated skin. Few other factors like food habits, smoking and alcohol contribute for skin damage.

We do know stores out there are filled with many lotions and moisturizers to combat this dry skin. Most of them may not suit you best or they have a price tag that you want to re-think on. Hence, natural remedies, these are not only affordable, but also more efficient than any chemical based products out in the market.

Let’s see what are some of the rules to maintain silky and smooth skin?

  •  I understand you loving your hot showers for longer time during winters, but did you know that these hot showers are a big No No for skin? They wipe away protective oils from your skin leaving you dead and dry skinned person. 
  • Never scratch your skin with your long and beautiful nails. It does longer term damage to your skin than you expect.
  • Give yourself a holiday from smoking, sun tanning and sun bathing for a while.
  • Have your hands off your face! Your hands touch a lot of surfaces which are a magnet of dirt and germs. Do you want them on your skin?
  • Never rub your eyes, apply compresses instead. The skin on your face is extremely delicate, especially under your eyes. So use very light touch on your face every time.

  •  Always treat you neck and chest as a part of your face. Your upper chest and neck area are covered by very sensitive skin just like your face. Hence, they tend to be one of the primer spot for spots and sun burns and sings of aging such as dryness and wrinkles start to appear soon in these areas.
  • Aloe vera gel is the best cure for extra dry spots on your skin. The acids present in aloe vera eat away the dead cells and speed up the healing process.
  • Use a loofah daily to keep a check to ingrown and dead cells on your skin.
  • Always keep checking the dryness of your skin by scratching a small line on your leg. If it leaves a white mark then your skin is extremely dry and you need a moisturizer as well as exfoliation
  • Nourish your body always. Keep your body hydrated from inside by drinking lots of fluids. Avoid salty snacks during your place, instead opt for some fresh fruit.

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