Friday, September 11, 2015

Freedom from Acne - Clear Skin from your pantry & Refrigerator!

Acne is a common skin problem that affects all ages. This is more often seen in teenagers due to their increased hormone levels in their body. Apart from hormonal changes, sleep deprivation, wrong usage of products, unhealthy eating habits, hectic lifestyles also cause breakouts on your skin.

Remember there no definitive cure for this for all skin types. However, home remedies, botanical and organic products are always best to try. We never know which one suits best and when it comes to skin be sure you try out the right ones that have zero reactions. 

Let me tell you some proven home remedies that can help you prevent or reduce the problem, which are definitely available in your pantry or your refrigerator.

1. Toothpaste 

This is one of the easiest home remedy for acne. The regular toothpaste that we use to clean our teeth can be used to reduce acne.

Directions: Apply a small amount of white tooth paste (Note: I am talking about white ones, not the gel toothpastes) on the affected area and leave it over night. This will help reduce the swelling and gets the acne dried. You should see the difference in a day or two.

2. Lemons
This is well known fact that Lemons are high in acidic property and hence these are very useful to treat acne. Lemon juice will help clean out the dirt from the pores and will harden the sebum.

Directions: Rub a slice of lemon on the affected area and leave it for sometime. You can also try mixing lemon juice with rose water and applying on the affected area. (Note: If you feel it is over drying your skin, use it 2-3 times a week instead of daily)

3. Honey & Cinnamon
Yes, you read it right. We do wonder sticky and spicy cinnamon on face? True, they make a killer combo when it comes to acne reduction. Cinnamon has antimicrobial properties that will help those acne bacteria out.

Directions: Mix two tbsp of honey and one tbsp of cinnamon until they blend and form a thick paste. Apply this mask on your face or just on the spots and leave it for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off completely and pat dry. (Note: This is a sticky mixture so make sure you have enough paper towels handy)

4. Tea Tree Oil
This is yet another popular remedy for acne treatment. This acts as an antiseptic and disinfects the pores. It also kills the bacteria that caused the acne at first place.

Directions: Just apply a drop of Tea Tree Oil on the affected area three times a day. (Note: highly concentrated ones may cause irritation to few skin types, if so, take 5% concentrated one and repeat the process)

5. Orange peel paste
Thanks to vitamin C, astringent properties and citric acid present in oranges. Vitamin C promotes the growth of new healthy cells keeping the skin in better condition

Directions: Grind two orange peels and make a paste by adding little water to it. Apply this on face or just on the spots and leave it for 20 minutes. Ideally it should become dry and then wash your face with water, pat it dry.

6. Oatmeal
This is very beneficial to skin because it cleanses your skin and also absorbs excess oil present on the face. Hence this best suits for oily skins. 

Directions: Mix 1tbsp of honey, lemon juice from half sliced lemon and a cup of cooked oatmeal. Rub this mixture on your face and leave it for 30minutes. Wash it with lukewarm water and pat dry. Do this twice a week for best results.

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