Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Good Bye to signs of Aging! (#5 Must Read)

We all heard about those Anti-aging creams that we see in every walk of life at any store. Will they really help? Of course they do, not all but some! Before using them lets start our home work onto knowing what exactly are wrinkles and hence you will know what could prevent them or delay them from hitting you.

Skin owes much of its firmness a fibrous protein called collagen. A second type of protein, elastin, supplies its spring. Oil-secreting glands make it soft and supple, and an underlying layer of fat adds contour. As the body ages, the cells that produce all of these substances become lesser in number and less vigorous. That's a sign of ageing from inside. Lacking protein, the skin weakens and loses tone. Secondly, these are also linked to genes.

How do you think you can prevent them?

There are actions that you can take to prevent/delay the apperance of aging signs like fine lines and wrinkles on your face. 

Wrinkle fighting hacks

1. Food that helps you fight wrinkles

Did you know there are a list of foods that can fight against your wrinkles and make you look younger for a longtime? All the foods that are rich in elements like antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, trace minerals like selenium and copper, high-quality protein, plant compounds such as isoflavones, retinol- one of the forms of vitamin A, iron, vitamin E and C, mono-unsaturated fat etc., are best fighters.

Some of the foods to ease your search are Eggs, Liver, Brazil Nuts, Shellfish, dark colored fruits and vegetables, lentils, almmonds & walnuts, fruits like pappaya, watermelon, pineapple, berries and vegetables like giner garlic, cucumber, tomato. Add them to your diet everyday starting today.

2. Oils

Olive oil was first used over 5000 years ago when it was extracted from olive tree, which was quickly adapted as cosmetic product by Egyptians. It is widely used as a moisturizer beacuse it is rich in antioxidants Vit A and Vit E, that helps to fight that skin damanging free radicals that are primary causes of early aging. Hence, take a table spoon of olive oil and massage into the skin twice a day.

Coconut oil is also rich in antioxidants and can prevent formation of free radicals. This oil also helps reduce wrinkles that have already developed. Massage coconut oil into your skin before you sleep to reduce the appearance of fine lines.

3.  Banana Mask

This powerfully healthy fruit isn’t just good for eating, but can also be used as a creamy face mask. Mash one banana up with a teaspoon of orange juice and a teaspoon of plain yogurt, then leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes. The vitamin A will help fade dark spots and blemishes, while vitamin B will prevent aging, and potassium will moisturize and hydrate skin cells. Vitamin E is known as “the protector” because of its strength in fighting free radical damage and bolstering the skin’s resistance to UV damage.

4. Aloe Vera

The clear gel inside an aloe vera plant has wound-healing and soothing effects when applied to the skin, especially after sunbathing thanks to the vitamins and minerals it contains. Having an aloe vera plant inside your home or growing in your garden is convenient and less expensive than buying the gel by itself because the leaves regrow after they’re cut or removed from the base. Sunburns are one of the quickest ways to damage and wrinkle skin, so applying gel can ease the healing process with its anti-inflammatory properties.

5. Use Cosmetics with Care

We use cosmetics and other beauty products to enhance our skin quality but often end up in damaging it a little more. Be aware of such cosmetics that can harm your skin and lead to form wrinkles on them.

·      Avoid products having alcohol in them. Alcohol dries up your skin by dehydrating it. A skin lacking moistures tends to form wrinkles fast. Instead, use water based solutions and products or those that have natural oils in them such as avocado or evening primrose oil. 
·      Avoid using concealer to hide wrinkles. Believe it or not, they make your wrinkles more prominent by settling themselves in the spaces in between the fine lines.

Never over wash your face. The dermatologists at the University of Maryland Medical Center have hold that tap water can strip skin of its natural oils and moisture that protect your skin against wrinkles. Also you should not use harsh soaps while washing your face. Always use one that has moisturizer in it. You can always use natural cleansers like milk to clean your face instead of washing it often.

6.  Don't Stress

Easier said than done! But then, getting rid of wrinkles too is not an easy task. You need to get rid of your stress because it makes your skin thin and weak which cannot fight with the elements that produce wrinkles. Also when you frown or scowl, they only help to make your temporary facial lines permanent. Do whatever will de-stress you. Here are some tips - swim, meditate, yoga, listen to music, read books, spend time with children.

You alone can find a solution to de-stress yourself!

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