Monday, July 27, 2015

Your Protein Master! (#3 you never knew)

Did you know chicken include its good supply of protein content, the supply of essential vitamins and minerals, benefits in losing weight, cholesterol control, blood pressure control, and a reduced risk of cancer.

It is the most common type of poultry in the world. It has been domesticated and consumed as food for thousands of years. It is believed that chickens were first domesticated in India thousands of years ago, primarily for cockfighting and later for meat consumption.

Health Benefits of Organic Chicken

1. Protein Content
Chicken is one of the highest protein suppliers normally found in people’s diets. The amount of protein found in chicken is 18 g per 100 g of chicken, which is very high. Protein plays an important role in our diet. The recommended amount of daily protein requirements is 1 gram per 1 kg of body weight, or 0.4 g of protein per pound of body weight. These numbers are for normal people. For athletes, the daily requirement of protein is about 0.6 g to 0.9 g per pound, which is more than double the regular 

2. Less Fat
Organic chicken tends to be less fatty than its commercially-raised relatives, according to the American Culinary Federation, which recommends adding a little fat to the pan when you're cooking organically raised chicken. Leaner cuts of meat make chicken an even healthier protein choice, and speed up cooking time to make it a practical choice for everyday cooking.

3. Relieves Stress

Chicken has vitamin B 5 or pantothenic acid which has a calming effect on the nerves. So if you are stressed out, nothing like grilled chicken to chill out.

4. For your Bones
Chicken also contains phosphorous which, along with calcium, keeps your bones healthy. In fact, it is an excellent food source for men with weak bones. It is also rich in the mineral selenium that cuts the risk of developing arthritis at later stages of life. Want to kick some butt? Simple, eat chicken!

5. Boosts Metabolism
Vitamin B6 encourages metabolic cellular reaction, which means eating chicken will keep energy levels high while metabolism-burning calories can manage to keep you at a healthy weight level. If you are starting to feel a little tired, try eating some chicken to give your body a boost of nutrients, proteins and calories that will also keep your energy levels ringing.

Try it this way
  • Chicken salad can be prepared numerous ways and can be served for lunch or dinner. One of our favorite recipes is to combine the chicken with fresh lemon juice, and olive oil, and mix in garden peas, leeks, almonds and raisins.
  • Wrap cooked chicken pieces in a whole wheat tortilla, sprinkle with chopped tomatoes and onions, top with grated cheese and broil, making yourself a healthy burrito.
  • Add pieces of diced chicken breast to white bean chili to rev up its protein and nutritional content

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