Friday, July 17, 2015

7 habits for Healthy 70 years

I know habits die hard. But did you notice, they are just hard to die but they have a death too! Is there anything that one can't achieve when you have the will power to achieve? I doubt.

Let me pen down few Healthy Habits that can be sown right away in your lives with little efforts for a Healthy You! There are various habits that we hear and read everyday for a healthy living. I found these 7 habits to be magical when it comes to having at least 70 years of good health. Cant ask for more

     1. Find a Friend

Find a friend? Huh....I am coming there. We all have friends, at least I do. I have friends to go on a shopping, friends that I hang out for a coffee and the ones I work out with. Yes! I call them a 'Fitness Friend'. There you go, this is the first step towards Healthy You. A workout buddy will help you be motivated and focused towards exercises. Start your list of friends who would love to live a healthy life and start making your schedule for workouts. I read this somewhere "Happiness is going to Zumba classes with friends" LOL...I completely agree because there is a laughing therapy that happens when you are with friends doing the most simplest things, imagine zumba. Its so much fun to wake up half hearted and then be excited as you reach the gym entrance along with friends.

    2. Adios Amigos to your Cocktail Nights and your Dessert Evenings 

Who would want that spare tyre around the belly? Well, just because you started those workouts you are in no green cards to hit that corner dessert shop with cheese cakes and those cocktail nights to gain your beer belly. I don't say you should live without them but you should know where to draw a line because you know your body best. Remember to be a warrior over the weekend. You definitely need those extra 15 minutes of workout because we all know our diets over weekends.

     3. Must have's

I did write about the importance of dry fruits. Grab them next time you hit a super market and make a change in your body by making a change in your diet. Simple as such, just keep sprinkling a mix of dry fruits in your desserts and other dishes. For those who are trying to cut down your weight, you gotto police your plate. Thanks to zillion products that keeps getting added to the racks in stores, We always have a choice now. Yoghurt vs and Fat Free yoghurt pick up what best suits your health not your tongue. Ohh must haves should also include a good pair of sneakers and your gym attires.

     4. Go Organic!

Will this writing ever end if I start about the benefits of Organic food? Be it to you or to the environment Organic Always! I would just say invest in you, in your organic food today, to avoid investing in any hospital in the future (Prevention is always better than cure)

     5. Hello H2O

Best workouts happen when you stay hydrated. Not just for fitness but for a healthy skin as well. Those energy drinks after workouts are best when suggested by your fitness trainer. Again we do have plenty of options so go out grab your energy drinks that are low on carb. If you ask me, I would give a Heads-Up for XS Energy drink which is zero carb & zero sugar. Try It!

     6. Good Bye to Desk meals

Research states that people who eat at their desk end up eating more cookies 30min after their lunch and still feel hungry over the day. You can gift yourself a 20 minute lunch break, I  am sure your
machines need some breathing too. So pull that time out for yourself and have a Healthy Lunch.

     7. Be a mighty Magister

Last but Never the least I say. I have a last sister and that made me say 'never least'. Be Happy! this is key to half your health, beauty & success. Don't worry on the things you couldn't maintain a week ago or a month ago. Make healthy choices now and bring in the changes today. Don't let your healthy habits die, wither, because even if you don't have any more pounds to lose, you'll still be working on your overall wellness.

Stay Fit! Stay Healthy!

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